payforaresearchpaper com – Among others President of the PiS with the Austrian businessman Gerald Birgfellnerem, which refers to plans to build two high-rise buildings in Warsaw for the environment associated with the Company Law and Justice Silver.
Kumoch notes that these actions could not be massive, because it would immediately be issued. “At the beginning it was about individuals, but at some point, as we have the machinery of the Holocaust began after a conference in Wansee in 1942, when it was known that Germany is trying to kill all the Jews, then this practice began to have a wider nature” – indicates .how exactly look like? “Employee Polish consulate in Bern Julius Kuehl, who was himself a Jew, went to the honorary consul of Paraguay, handed him probably a bribe, took passports promissory note, which then offered up to the Polish consulate. In turn, the consul Constantine Rokicki carefully follow them names, which he received from Jewish organizations “- reports Kumoch. I added the fact that the entire list of names were found by the Polish embassy in Bern. “We found a list with photos smuggled out of the ghetto, passport data, we found traces of the production of such a passport, that is, correspondence between the consulate and the Jewish organization (…)” – wskazuje.Następnie filled passports returned to the honorary consul of Paraguay in Switzerland, which it podstemplowywał, seemed notarized copies of the Jewish organizations took them and smuggled into the ghettos. “When someone showed something like the Gestapo, he said, that is not subject to any deportations. And indeed these people were sent to Pawiak first, and from there to an internment camp, mostly in France,” – indicates the Polish embassy dyplomata.Jak such estimates produced passports from several hundred to a few thousand, but was saved a lot more, because – as he says Kumoch – “on all passports were several people, eg. someone with a family and children.” “At one point it was estimated that these passports were collected approx. 4000, but I can not confirm that number. Certainly we are talking about a very large number of passports, as Abraham said Silberschein – on the black market passports” – confirmed dodał.Ambasador Kumoch believe that almost all Latin American countries honorary consuls falsified passports for profit taking for a considerable sum. According to Polish documents, only the Poles and the consul of El Salvador, made up of illegal and dangerous activity for purely humanitarnych.Działania “group Berne” was financed either by the State or by Jewish organizations like the World Jewish Congress. “With our documents it is clear that the Poles did not have the benefits of material.
These same money they received the bribe (diplomats) were paid consuls. There are no charges at them. Anyway, in 1945, received for this activity thanks of Jewish organizations “- emphasizes Kumoch.Dyplomata notes that he led a group of lados ambassador, who along with his deputy Ryniewicz – as appears from the documents of the Swiss -” in case of any mishaps intervened with the Swiss authorities to give closing our eyes to this practice. ” “Kuehl was responsible for contacts with Jewish organizations, perhaps giving bribes, some things hard to play” – adds Kumoch. And points out that “the operation is an operation Berne Polish-Jewish and should not be forgotten” In “group Berne” consisted of two representatives of Jewish organizations, whose main task was to smuggle passports, copies, photos and personal data between Switzerland and the occupied countries Europe, including Polish. One of them was Abraham Silberschein, Zionist, pre-war member of parliament, and the second Eiss Chaim – Orthodox activist in Zurychu.Drugą part of the business’ group Bern “was sharing ciphers Polish Jewish organizations, so that they could inform the Jews in America, what is happening in Poland, the PAP informs about Holokauście.Jak Kumoch all members of the “group of the Berne” remained after the war in a foreign land. Only the deputy Lados returned in 1960 to the ailing Polish, where he died a few years later.
Kuehl emigrated to Canada, settling in Argentina Ryniewicz, the consul Rokicki remained in Switzerland, where he died in 1958. In Geneva in 1951, Abraham also died Silberschein. None of them does not have shares in the passport, and neither was her in any way odznaczony.Ambasador Kumoch announces the publication of documents on Twitter account @plinswitzerland embassy. Shed and Gasiuk-Pihowicz intervened Wednesday morning at the Ministry of Justice – want to read the letters in support of candidates to the National Judicial Council. Deputy Minister Michael Wos deputies called the action a “political chutzpah.” He explained after the morning meeting with members of the PO and the Modern that the ministry does not have a copy of a letter of support, because the Minister of Justice “is not at the disposal of these materials,” and it is the Speaker of the Sejm.
At noon in the Sejm deputies they organized a conference Fri. “Who lies ws. KRS”. “Following today’s parliamentary intervention in the Ministry of Justice must ask ourselves clear question: who is lying on the National Council of the Judiciary? Who among the current ruling system lying on the candidates a letter of support to the National Court?” – asked Mrs Modern. She recalled that on Wednesday in MS told that there is a letter of support to the new candidate, “politicized” the National Council of the Judiciary. She added, however, that the deputies were informed by the Civil Development Forum, that the same ministry will be April 11, analyzed the documents, which – as she said – “MS is not” .Gasiuk-Pihowicz stressed that citizens have a right to know “who is behind the candidates “KRS. “Does the Ministry have something to hide? Do you justice minister Zbigniew Ziobro has something to hide?
Is it Ziobro minister’s decision not to make public support for attachments lists of candidates to the National Court?” – pytała.zobacz also: We know the personal details of all candidates to the National Court. See, where he had worked “In the opinion of Ms may be that these documents” come out unequivocally “that the people supporting candidates for the new NCR individuals are subordinate to the minister of justice, subordinates or the candidates themselves. She added, can also prove that the decision not to publish the letter is motivated by “ordinary human shame that people who support the PiS narrow nominees simply ashamed of their support for the people participating in overtly unconstitutional formula” .Budka reminded that Wednesday in MS were informed that “all the documents in the Ministry of Justice in this case, the verification of signatures for candidates to the National Court” was sent to the Speaker of the Sejm. “At the same time yesterday, the Civil Development Foundation announced that the documents are the subject of analysis in MS, and therefore to extend the April 11 deadline for reply to a request for public information” – he added poseł.Jak announced, together with Gasiuk-Pihowicz, turned to another request to the Minister justice. “To immediately provided us with written proof transfer those files back to the Speaker of Parliament,” – he stressed. “I can not imagine such a situation, and I met with her never before, that someone sends documents without making copies of them, without their archive, or electronic processing” – stressed Shed. In his opinion, it may be that “the long road” between the Ministry of Justice and the Sejm, the documents “will be lost” .See also: A candidate for member of the National Court Register: Current Council unsuccessfully defended the independence of the courts’ “Do not be surprised to once again it turned out that someone drown in the bathtub laptop or destroy the hard drive (the computer). We have the impression that the public purpose for a long time is entered in error and the matter must be fully explained, “- said the deputy Budka.W letter to fOR February 26, MS reported: “In connection with the receipt (…) a request for public information of 11 February., announce the need to consider the request to extend the deadline to 11 April .; (…) explained that the extension the term is due to the scope of the proposal and the necessity of the legal status of each of the proposed (…) documents “.Budka and Gasiuk-Pihowicz headed Wednesday to the Minister reporting Justice request, which seek “provide written confirmation that the time to intervene in the MS or in the (…) archives were not attachments to applications of candidates for the National Court Register, or copies of them in paper or electronic form.” They also want to “transfer the covering letter confirming the transfer of attachments to the submissions of candidates to the National Court Register by the Ministry of Justice to the Marshal of the Sejm” .Krystyna Pavlovich (PiS) of the Parliamentary Committee on Justice and Human Rights assessed that both MPs – even though they are lawyers – to show “extreme ignorance law or mislead public opinion “. As he noted, knowing the amended Act on the National Court Register Members know that annexes with lists of supporters of candidates to the National Court are not subject to the ujawnieniu.zobacz: Candidates KRS uninterested public hearing ‘ “organize a provocation, happenings, crazy to the minister, only to concentrate scalar attention of the public, without explaining that they were going after something that is doomed to defeat them “- noted Pavlovich. She stressed that the list of attachments supporters of candidates to the National Court are “in accordance with the law not to disclose.” “We expected that publishing the list of supporters of candidates is only to ensure that harass those judges who boycott sędziowsko-KRS- owski, forensic-top, broke up, “- said MP Pavlovich. She recalled that the organizers of the boycott led “punishable actions billboards, harassing and intimidating judges the candidate to the National Court.” And now – in her opinion – “would have the supporters of these candidates will harass, intimidate, terrorize” .Niepublikowanie such a letter of support is – as said – “a form of protection of these people in a time when we are dealing with barbarians legal total opposition, which treats right very instrumental uses of the law contrary to its purpose “.Zdaniem PiS rules have been formulated so as to reach people persecuted was limited. “We must protect the citizens who want to participate in the procedures of healing justice in the manner prescribed by law, in a legal way” – she noted. “And these barbarians legal need to isolate” – added prof.
Pavlovich. PO politicians on Wednesday at a press conference presented the proposals of his party, which after a possible win in the elections, they want to introduce in the field of education. As argued deputy-KO Rafal Grupiński, his group wants to make changes due to the proposed school was “modern, democratic and open.” “To actually preparing new generations for the challenges of civilization ahead of us” – he added. Ms Ursula Augustine (PO-KO), who is education minister in the shadow cabinet of the Civic Platform argued that schools need to modernize and reorganize so as to correspond to the challenges of the present and the future. “She needs to change but they must change also people who are responsible for it” – assessed. According to Augustine, “is what children learn in school, can not be dependent on the term of office and the individual teams that assemble on the Rural”. “This is an absolute error, which has so far been committed,” – she pointed out.
He announced that the Platform wants to appoint a Commission of National Education, that “without the presence of politicians, or only with their delicate presence, will be – thanks to the experts – decided about what children learn in school.” “It must be an independent institution (…) which independently will be composed of representatives from the world of science but also of representatives of non-governmental organizations, local authorities, teachers, parents and all those pay for your research paper online who want to talk about school,” – said MP PO-KO. Augustine said that “reorganizing” schools must be followed in cooperation with local government, teachers and parents. “AFTER therefore he proposes a democratic school, where decisions are taken jointly by teachers, parents, local government, as well as students,” – she said. Education Minister Shadow PO also spoke about the fact that the school should provide “full service” yes “to a child who comes to school in the morning and leaves in the late afternoon, not only received a good education, but also a dose of sport, good nutrition and activities. ” Civic-KO announced, amongst others, “Worthy reward” teachers, elimination of homework and schoolbags. PO politicians informed that your program moving in Poland to consult their proposals with all environments. At Wojcik also gave it the company’s silver there could be no fraud, because “there was a desire of donations material benefit”. In his view, the provision is “very clear” and in this case the offense has not been exhausted. “If I was a prosecutor, I was deputy minister of justice, it never would have initiated such proceedings, because it has a very distinctive design.
It is an intentional offense, he must be going way, someone must want to deceive someone,” – he stressed. According to Wojcik in this case “is not filled with signs of Article 286,” which refers to crimes against property. He also stressed that for him Guidance on the issue. Silver “is obvious” and the crowning proof of innocence Jaroslaw Kaczynski tapes are disclosed by “Gazeta Wyborcza”. At the end of January, “Gazeta Wyborcza” published records and recordings of conversations with July 2018. Among others President of the PiS with the Austrian businessman Gerald Birgfellnerem, which refers to plans to build two high-rise buildings in Warsaw for the environment associated with the Company Law and Justice Silver. Filed in late January in the prosecution notice on suspicion of committing a crime by the President of the Law and Justice Jaroslaw Kaczynski is the lack of payment for the Austrian businessman filed a request associated with the preparations for the investment to build two skyscrapers. (PAP) by Jakub Stasiak Violation of the orders on this control is punishable in the amount of more than 78 thousand. euro.
In connection with the new regulations by representatives of police and customs control the contents of trucks marked as’ transport of perishable goods. ” “When we find something or find it, we call on vets” – said a spokeswoman for the agency CTK main office duties Martin Kańkova. “Mandatory inspection of all shipments of beef from the Polish significantly reduce the risk of getting on the Czech market defective meat from this country”, – quotes the head of the veterinary service CTK Zbyňka Semerada.zobacz also: Poland EC will provide a report on the illegal slaughter »EC wants from the Polish monthly reports on the inspection of slaughterhouses »agency cites the words of Polish agriculture Minister Jan Krzysztof Ardanowskiego, which held that any excuse is good to put Poland accusation that has a” nasty food “; in his opinion, the problem is exaggerated in countries whose products can not compete with the Polish.